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Development of legal culture of educators of state employment service vocational education centers as a pedagogical problem

Journal: Bulletin of Postgraduate education: collection of scientific papers. (Educational Sciences Series) (Category «B») (Vol.17, No. 46)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 176-192

Keywords : legal culture; development; junior schoolchildren; physical culture; educational institution; physical education;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


The article analyzes the pedagogical literature on the problem of development of legal culture of educators of State Employment Service vocational education centers of the of Ukraine. The author clarifies the concepts of «culture» and «legal culture of the teacher». Individuals' legal culture is manifested in the degree of their freedom, their social activity and their state's mutual responsibility, which has a positive effect on social development and supports the very conditions of social life. In the context of the professional activity of a particular person, legal culture is manifested not only as the possession of knowledge to understand the law, but also as actions that ensure conscious implementation of the law according to the functions defined by the profession. The professional activity of a teacher is considered by many researchers and practitioners from the standpoint of structural-functional, professional, culturological, and competence approaches. According to the author, the legal culture of educators of State Employment Service vocational education centers is a system of knowledge, socially significant values, and public life regulators that provide effective use of legal regulations in teachers' work. Educators' professional and legal culture is their deep and comprehensive knowledge of laws and regulations on which they should rely when creating an educational environment; it is their understanding of the principles of law and ways of legal regulation of their relation; it is their respectful attitudes to law and their work in strict accordance with legal or administrative principles. Educators' legal culture includes the imperative-cognitive component, activity-behavioral component, and value component.

Last modified: 2021-10-21 20:02:32