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Analysis on the Life-and-death Attitude of Nursing Bachelor Students from Macao and Mainland China

Proceeding: 11th International Academic Conference (IAC)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 429-429

Keywords : Life-and-death Attitude; Nursing Bachelor Students; Macao;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


Objectives: To describe and analysis the life-and-death attitude of nursing bachelor students from Macao and Mainland China. Method: Using the Scale of Life Attitude, a census was carried out in 461 students. 455 effective scales were collected. 209 and 246 papers were collected from Macao and Mainland China respectively. The scale was made up of six dimensions: ideal, life autonomy, existence, love-and-care, life experience and death attitude. The Cronbachâ?™sαis .946. Results: â??1Mainland China students have higher scores(365.2±43.9) than Macao students(341.8±42.3) in life-and-death attitude, and they gain higher score in dimensions of ideal, life autonomy, existence, love-and-care, and life experienceďĽ P>0.05), â??2Females have higher scores(357.4±44.5) than males(342.8±43.7) in life-and-death attitude, and they gain higher score in dimensions of ideal, existence, and love-and-careďĽ P>0.05), â??3Students with religion have higher scores(367.9±44.5) than students without religion(352.9±44.5) in life-and-death attitude, and they gain higher score in dimensions of ideal, and love-and-careďĽ P>0.05), â??4Students coming from the families who discuss death frankly have higher scores(366.6±43.8) in life-and-death attitude, and they gain higher score in all dimensionsďĽ P>0.05), â??5Students with suicide idea have lower score in life-and-death attitude, and students with more-than-once suicide idea have lower score(340.2±45.6) in dimensions of ideal, existence and life experienceďĽ P>0.05). â??6Students with excellent interpersonal relationship have higher scores(383.6±42.7) in life-and-death attitude. â??7Scores of life-and-death attitude show no difference between students from the higher income families and the lower income families. Conclusion: â??1Female, having religion, discussing death frankly in family, and good interpersonal relationship are positive factors to life-and-death attitude. Suicide ideal is negative factor to life-and-death attitude. â??2Family incomes show no effects on the life-and-death-attitude of students. â??3Although all belongs to China, Macao and Mainland China have different social system. The culture background and economic development have big differences. The reasons that cause the differences in the life-and-death attitude of bachelor nursing students from the two areas need further research.

Last modified: 2015-03-07 20:13:53