Rhodococcus in foal, from diagnosis to treatment: Case report
Journal: Journal of Clinical Images and Medical Case Reports (Vol.2, No. 5)Publication Date: 2021-10-31
Authors : Suellen Cristina Guedes da Luz; Márcio Augusto Ferreira; Juliana Weckx Peña Muñoz; André Rinaldi Fukushima;
Page : 1-5
Keywords : rhodococcosis; foals; rhodococcus equi;
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The present work reports a case of a foal affected by Rhodococcus equi, an optional intracellular gram-positive pleomorphic cocobacillus, which, when eliminated with the feces of infected animals, in the soil becomes a potential pathogen, capable of causing mainly piogranulomatous bronchopneumonia. The animal, a 23-day-old Brazilian equestrian foal, was sent to the veterinary hospital with hyperthermia, increased heart and respiratory rates, crackle in tracheal auscultation, loss of appetite and prostration. After hematological, ultrasound, radiographic examinations, and collection of tracheal lavages for culture and PCR, the definitive diagnosis of rhodococcosis was obtained, which is a bacterial disease that mainly affects foals, has a worldwide distribution and has a great economic impact on equine culture. Based on the results, treatment with azithromycin, rifampin, flunixin meglumine, sucralfate, ranitidine hydrochloride and amoxicillin with clavulanate was instituted, associated with nebulization with acetylcysteine diluted to 0.9% sodium hydrochloride solution. After a few weeks, there was no evolution in the results of the ultrasound and radiographic exams, however the hematological exams were within the reference levels, there was a significant clinical improvement, and the animal was discharged. It is noteworthy that early diagnosis was essential for the effectiveness of treatment and remission of clinical signs.
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Last modified: 2021-12-13 10:56:54