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The Effect of Perceptions Resulting From Training in Entrepreneurship on The Entrepreneurial Orientation of University Students in Algeria – A Statistical Standard Study -

Journal: Journal of Economic Growth and Entrepreneurship (Vol.4, No. 5)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 117-132

Keywords : Entrepreneurship; Formation in entrepreneurship; Entrepreneurial intention; Business creation;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


To answer the research problematic based on: entrepreneurial orientation among university students in Algeria. We discussed the concept of entrepreneurship, and its different elements , besides the concepts associated to companies creation; adopting a standard statistical study because we want to know the orientation of the students that are going to the professional life and the necessity of this element in their professional career. The results are numerous, but the most important: there is a relation which links the conceptions issue from the entrepreneurial training with the entrepreneurial tendency of students, and that this influence eliminates the involuntary acceptance of the functional side that generated from the influence of close or far environment.

Last modified: 2021-12-24 01:42:59