Rules for Deanery Councils in the Yaroslavl Diocese (a historical source publication)
Journal: Studia Humanitatis (Vol.2021, No. 4)Publication Date: 2022-01-25
Authors : Leonov D.E.;
Page : 1-1
Keywords : dean; priest; deacon; Russian Orthodox Church; diocese; Deanery Council; conciliarity;
The author presents the publication of the historical source “Rules for Deanery Councils in the Yaroslavl Diocese”. The text of the document was published in 1903 as a limited edition. Now this text is inaccessible to a wide range of readers. Historical background and comments are prepared. Deanery Councils are characterized as bodies of church self-government that performed the functions of a court of first instance when considering minor offenses among the clergy and civil disputes.
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Last modified: 2022-02-02 07:52:31