To Assess the Effectiveness of An Information Booklet Related to Protein Energy Malnutrition in Terms of Knowledge among Anganwadi Workers Working in Selected Urban Areas of Ahmedabad City
Journal: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) (Vol.10, No. 8)Publication Date: 2021-08-05
Authors : Soma Bepari Das;
Page : 230-232
Keywords : Assess; Knowledge; Effectiveness; Information Booklet; Protein Energy Malnutrition; Anganwadi Workers;
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Nutrition is the most important factor which affects the health of a person. Good nutrition is the corner stone for survival health and development for current succeeding generation, nutrition and health are the most important contributing factors for human resource development in the country but still malnutrition continue to be a major public health issue. The present study is aimed at developing and determining the effectiveness of an information booklet regarding protein energymalnutrition.The Researcher has adopted the Pre experimental Research Approach. The pre experimental research design usually entails the manipulation of independent variable but limited control over extraneous variables, no randomization and control group is there. It may lead to theories of hypothesis to be tested experimentally. In the present study, the investigator selected Pre Experimental One group Pre- test Post-test Design. Keeping in view the objective of the study, the investigator has developed structured questionnaire for evaluation of pre-test post-test One group Pre-test - Post- test design is an experimental design in which data are collected from research subjects both before and after introducing an intervention with applying a treatment inbetween. Using non probability convenient sampling technique data was collected from 20 Samples, to assess the effectiveness of an Information booklet related to protein energy malnutrition in terms of knowledge among anganwadi workers. Experimental and inferential statistical method where used to analyze the data. For knowledge the calculated ?t? (2.79) is significantly greater than the tabulated ?t? (2.09) so there was the significant increase in the knowledge of samples after the administration of the Information booklet related to protein energy malnutrition.
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