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A Co-relational Study to Assess Impact of Social Media on Quality of Sleep among Nursing Students

Journal: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) (Vol.10, No. 9)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 1620-1623

Keywords : Impact of social media; quality of sleep; nursing students;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


Background: In the last ten years, the online world has changed dramatically due to the prodigious expansion of social media and their users. The past decade has shown an immense increase in the usage of smart phones, handheld devices, and computers to access SNS. However, relatively few studies have investigated the association between social media usage, especially at night, and daytime sleepiness in tertiary students. Aim: The present study aimed to assess the impact of social media on quality of sleep among nursing students. Material & Methods: Through Systematic random sampling 100 students were selected and structured questionnaire was used for collection of data. Results: Maximum nursing students i. e.44% were in the age group of 20 - 22 years, and around one fourth i. e.24% were in the age group 17 - 19 years. Findings shows that 33% subjects spend 30 - 60 minutes daily on social media & only 35% of subjects post daily on social media and 84% access social media while their free time. Majority of nursing students i. e.55% do less use of social media while 45% do more use of social media. Majority of nursing students i. e.60% have bad sleep and remaining 40% have good sleep. The correlation of social media and quality of sleep was found significant at level of 0.05. Conclusion: So it was concluded that there was a perfect positive correlation between usage of social media & quality of sleep. Therefore mass health education measures should be used in the community and colleges to make the students aware about impact of social media on quality of sleep.

Last modified: 2022-02-15 18:43:29