أثر التكريس الدستوري لآلية الدفع بعدم الدستورية على نظام الرقابة على دستورية القوانين في الجزائر
Journal: REVUE DES LETTRES ET SCIENCES SOCIALES (Vol.19, No. 01)Publication Date: 2022-05-04
Authors : خرشي الهام; خلاف وردة;
Page : 9-23
Keywords : الرقابة على دستورية القوانين; نظام الإحالة; Contrôle de la constitutionnalité des lois; system of referral;
This study aims to demonstrate the importance of the impact of The integration of the mechanism of exception of unconstitutionality claim in the constitutional revision of 2016 and after that of 2020, on the system of review of the constitutionality of laws. Thus the following problematic is raised : how did this integration impact the system ? This study has concluded that this system has been changed both in terms of the way of use of control and its fields: by the extension of the seisin mechanism to the parties of the instance and the involvement of the judiciary in the area of control by applying the liquidation system; and its contribution to its renewal: by adding specificity to the deadlines and procedures for the resolution of cases by applying the principle of adversarial proceedings and expanding the powers of the Constitutional Council (the constitutionnal court). This will contribute to a future transition towards genuine constitutional justice, which will deepen the constitutional debate, thus permiting a greater guarentee of rights and freedoms and the implementation of the rule of law
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Last modified: 2022-05-05 18:16:42