Effect of Exercises on Energy Expenditure after Lower Limb Amputation - An Evidence Based Study
Journal: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) (Vol.11, No. 4)Publication Date: 2022-04-05
Authors : Krupa Prabhakar; Anjali Bhise;
Page : 888-890
Keywords : energy expenditure; lower limb amputation; exercises;
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Introduction: Amputation is the surgical removal of an external part of the body, most often a limb or part of it, as a form of treatment with aim to save the patient?s life and/or reduce debility. Oxygen consumption (VO2max) and Physiological cost index (PCI) are measures for energy expenditure. Compared to normal ambulation, the energy costs for amputees are much higher. Cardio respiratory endurance of amputees was clearly lower than that of able-bodied individuals. Methods: Published articles from 2005 to 2020 were identified using electronic database in PEDro, PubMed, Cochoran library and ScienceDirect and selected according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Procedure: Articles showing effect of prosthetic changes on energy expenditure were excluded. The study design, participant information, description of interventions and outcome measures were extracted. Result: Evidences were systematically reviewed and analyzed. 4 out of 5 studies confirmed that effect of exercises were statistically significant in improving energy expenditure. 1 out of 5 studies showed that effect of exercises for changing biomechanics of walking was not statistically significant in improving energy expenditure instead increases cost of walking. Conclusion: Based on evidences exercises are effective in reducing energy expenditure of amputees if biomechanics of walking is not changed.
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Last modified: 2022-05-14 21:04:25