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Journal: The Journal CONTEMPORARY ECONOMY (Vol.5, No. 2)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 6-17

Keywords : education; pre-university education; education levels; teachers; educational policies.;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


In the era of the knowledge society, in the context of the challenges produced by globalizing tendencies and the need of keeping national identity, the countries of the world must set on the first positions of national priorities the educational system with all its components, including its subsystem, pre-university education. In post December Romania we have acknowledged the consistency of all governments, at a declamatory level the political actors setting education as a national priority. Unfortunately, this consistency wasn't continued in the operational plan. The budget allocations for education were approximately equal in relative figures, while we recorded a massive decrease of school population, followed, obviously by a decrease in the number of teachers in pre-university education as well as a drop of the attractiveness of a teaching career. To ensure the continuity of the Romanian people on the current territory and to keep cultural identity, we must apply a series of measures at a macro level concerning stopping the demographical drop and reducing emigration of families or work force. Successfully implementing such policies will implicitly lead to mending the problem of the number of students and teachers from pre-university educational level, the effects being seen some immediately, some on a medium term and, most importantly, on the long term.

Last modified: 2022-12-27 21:36:56