Grief Reactionsand Psychological Wellbeing of Parentally Bereaved Students in Public Secondary Schools in Kisumu Central Sub-County, Kenya
Journal: International Journal of Arts and Social Science (Vol.5, No. 7)Publication Date: 2022-07-30
Authors : JUMA Vincent Damiano Joel Kiambi Muriithi Josephine Muthami;
Page : 06-175
Keywords : Bereavement; Grief Reactions; Loss; Psychological Wellbeing; Students;
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This study investigates grief reactions and psychological wellbeing of parentally bereaved students in public secondary schools in Kisumu Central Sub-County. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design, the study target population was 841 parentally bereaved students in public secondary school students in Kisumu Central Sub County. Stratified random sampling was used to draw a sample size of 271 students. The participants completed an adapted version of the Depression and Anxiety Stress Scale 21 (DASS21) and the Psychological Well-being (SPWB). There was a significant negative relationship between grief reactions and psychological wellbeing. The study recommends that Counselling Associations, in collaboration with school authorities and social workers should develop a grief therapy programthat could help to manage various grief reaction symptoms among students to improve their psychological wellbeing. Secondly, guidance and counseling teachers should constantly organize grief counseling for in-school adolescents who have lost their parents. It will help to identify their grief reactions in time and salvage the effects on their school activities
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Last modified: 2023-02-11 12:59:22