Din istoria unui concept sintactic controversat: sintagma
Journal: Eon (Vol.4, No. 1)Publication Date: 2023-06-05
Authors : Valentin Roman;
Page : 55-71
Keywords : syntagm; binary structure; valence; subordination; coordination; phrase.;
This paper aims at presenting some aspects regarding the history of a controversial syntactical concept, i. e. the syntagm, as it is presented in foreign (Russian, French etc.) and Romanian grammars and Schools of grammar (notably, Iași, București and Cluj). In this study, we adopt only the definition given by the Cluj School of grammar, i.e. a group of two terms and the relation between them. Therefore, the syntagm is a relational unit, based on a relation, and not a unit in relation.
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Last modified: 2023-06-10 06:42:24