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Research of Gestational Risk by Primary Health Care Professionals in Brazil |Biomedgrid

Journal: American Journal of Biomedical Science & Research (Vol.11, No. 3)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ;

Page : 203-204

Keywords : Sustainable; Development; Objectives; Professionals; Weaknesses;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


In Brazil, the reduction of preventable causes of maternal mortality is a major challenge for health professionals. The Ministry of Health recommends the assessment of gestational risk in prenatal consultations. In this sense, a research is being carried out with the purpose of verifying how the assessment of gestational risk is made by nurses and doctors, who are the professionals who perform prenatal care. The municipality of Corumbá, Mato Grosso do Sul, was chosen to carry out the research, as it is one of the places with high indicators of maternal mortality. Data collection consists of filling in a checklist with demographic, social, environmental and health variables, all related to high gestational risk and that guide the actions to be taken to avoid complications that may lead to maternal death.

Last modified: 2023-07-19 21:53:37