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Drama and satiric prose by Lutfali Hasanov

Journal: Studia Humanitatis (Vol.2023, No. 2)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 18-18

Keywords : playwright; prose; literary atmosphere; drama; play; type; story; writer; satirical prose; plot;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


The article studies drama and prose by Lutfali Hasanov who wrote and created works in Sheki literary atmosphere during the 40-70s of the 20th century and led the literary council of “Sabuhi” for a long time. The ideological relevance of the plays such as “Unsupported man”, “In the land of brother”, “Death to death”, “Chief physician”, “The sun” and his stories “Troubled man”, “Deputy manager, “The request”, “Love for the son”, “Zerrintac” and etc. is obvious. Such qualities of the writer as patriotism, mortality, humanism, spiritual purity, honesty, truthfulness, hatred of war attract the reader. The powerful representative of Azerbaijan and world poetry, a close friend of the writer Bakhtiyar Vahabzadeh highly appreciated L. Hasanov's works from the point of view of artistic peculiarity, ideological and compositional integrity.

Last modified: 2023-07-30 08:24:34