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Monitoring of children's development results in preschool educational institutions

Journal: Scientific bulletin of South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky (Vol.144, No. 3)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 115-120

Keywords : monitoring; children; preschool education; educational institutions;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


The need for result-oriented management in pre-school educational institutions is created by the market economy, the need to develop the indicators and measures of its efficient management is available. Some of them have a basic function in the management of preschool educational institutions. It is based on efficient evaluation of the management system of enterprises. Efficiency is determined by measuring results as an indicator of results orientation. The last part refers to the results of the child's activities and the skills s/he has mastered. The main products, that is, the child's activity products, are taken as consumables. A number of issues should be seriously considered in the diagnostic work carried out in the field of creativity. The limited perception and implementation of systematized, standardized experience in social practice is unambiguously assessed, which causes the demonstration of low indicators of the child's creative abilities. The result is manifested in different ways, covering wide areas. Its measurement is approached from the prisms of activity productivity measurement, planning, evaluation and control using various tools and techniques, mechanisms. The process of transition from individual to personality is taking place: In the first stages of the research, the essence of this was not so clearly recognized in the pedagogical collectives, but at the end of the research, there were changes in the attitude towards the child both in the heads of the institutions and in the collectives managed by them. Parents also acknowledged these changes in themselves. They stated that they no longer approach their children in the same way, taking full responsibility for their development, not only as they want to see them, but also orienting their development in the direction the child wants, accepting their children as they are and creating conditions for their proper development.

Last modified: 2023-10-13 02:49:27