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Journal: International Journal of Advanced Research (Vol.11, No. 11)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ;

Page : 626-633

Keywords : Osteochondroma Distal Femur Surgical Excision Biopsy Malignant Transformation Case Report;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


Osteochondromas are among the most common benign bone tumours with a male predilection which are usually incidentally detected. They are usually found in the metaphyseal region of long bones.This case is reported in view of the unique origin of the tumour in the diaphyseal region in a female. A woman came to the outpatient department with complaints of a painless, non mobile swelling over left distal femur for past 4 years.The swelling initially small gradually increased in size over 4 years but was not associated with pain or restriction of movements. Clinical examination revealed bony hard swelling in the anteromedial aspect of left distal femur not involving the knee joint. X ray showed a cauliflower shaped, pedunculated bony mass arising from the diaphyseal region of distal femur. MRI done was suggestive of osteochondroma. In order to confirm the diagnosis and to rule out malignant transformation,surgical excision and biopsy of the bony mass was performed. Histopathological reports confirmed the diagnosis of osteochondroma.

Last modified: 2023-12-21 16:31:24