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A 1D thermoelastic response of skin tissue due to ramp-type heating via a fractional-order Lord–Shulman model

Journal: Journal of Computational Applied Mechanics (Vol.54, No. 3)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ; ;

Page : 365-377

Keywords : Refined Lord– Shulman theory; fractional calculus; Laplace transforms; bio-heat response; skin tissue; ramp-type;

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This paper presents a new mathematical perfect of fractional order to deal with the response of skin tissue subjected to ramp-type heating based on the refined Lord–Shulman generalized thermoelasticity model. Three different models; the classical, the simple Lord–Shulman as well as the refined Lord–Shulman will be discussed. The governing equivalences of the present three models are attained. The general solution for the initial and boundary condition problem is found by employing the Laplace transform approach and its inverse. Numerical results are represented in figures with a comparison to the different theories with different values of fractional order to discuss the impact of the fractional order on temperature, displacement, and dilatation distributions. The effect of ramp-type heat is studied numerically and graphically on distributions of temperature, displacement, and dilatation according to different theories.

Last modified: 2024-01-19 05:03:22