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Journal: Proceedings on Engineering Sciences (Vol.6, No. 1)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 311-320

Keywords : Machine Learning; Network Security; Network attack; cybersecurity; Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS); Stochastic Cat Swarm Optimized Privacy-Preserving Logistic Regression (SCSO-PPLR).;

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Effective intrusion detection systems (IDS) are becoming essential for maintaining computer network security due to the growing complexity of cyber-attacks. Machine Learning (ML) can increase the effectiveness of intrusion detection technology, which is an essential resource to safeguard network security. A novel ML technique for intrusion information detection called Stochastic Cat Swarm Optimized Privacy-Preserving Logistic Regression (SCSO-PPLR) is proposed. We assess intrusion detection systems using KDDCup99 dataset. The dataset is pre-processed using Z-score normalization to normalize the features. Next, Features are extracted by Principal Component Analysis (PCA). By comparing the results of the SCSO-PPLR methodology with traditional methods and using assessment criteria including accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score, the model's performance is extensively evaluated. The study reveals that SCSO-PPLR is an acceptable strategy for intrusion detection in network security and it is effective. These insights broaden IDS and groundwork for further research on reliable cybersecurity remedies.

Last modified: 2024-03-23 02:02:16