Grade Point Average: The Relationship with Results of Entrance Assessment, Learning Motivation, Achievement Motivation, and Perception of Teacher Leadership
Journal: Journal on Efficiency and Responsibility in Education and Science (ERIES Journal) (Vol.17, No. 1)Publication Date: 2024-03-31
Authors : Nataliia Sereda Svitlana Reznik Tetiana Solodovnyk Zhanna Bogdan Oleksandr Romanovskyі;
Page : 23-34
Keywords : achievement motivation; entrance assessment; future psychologists; future specialists in educational and pedagogical sciences; future specialists in public management and administration; Grade Point Average; learning motivation; teacher leadership;
The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between the Grade Point Average (GPA) of graduates of social majors of National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute» (Ukraine) with results of the entrance assessment, learning motivation (educational and cognitive, professional motives and motives for creative self-realization), achievement motivation, perception of teacher leadership. The research was conducted during 2018-2020, calculations were made for a total of 502 respondents with using the correlation and regression analysis.
Results of the study demonstrate a significant correlation between the level of academic success and the level of educational and cognitive motivation of graduates (r=0,644, р<0,01). A less strong connection was found between GPA of graduates and results of the entrance examination (r= 0,502, р<0,01). The weakest, albeit statistically significant, relationship is between GPA variables and students' perception of teacher leadership (r=0.160, p<0.01), as well as between GPA and motives for creative self-realization (r=0,139, р<0,01). The article also carried out a correlation analysis for groups of students by level of education, form of study, majors and gender of respondents. Obtained results are discussed from the point of view of improving the procedure for selecting applicants for admission to the University and improving the educational process.
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Last modified: 2024-04-02 01:43:00