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Determinating features of development of information competence of the future project manager using information and communication technologies in institutions of higher education

Journal: Bulletin of Postgraduate education: collection of scientific papers. (Educational Sciences Series) (Category «B») (Vol.28, No. 57)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 91-102

Keywords : project manager; project management; information competence; institutions of higher education;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


The constant acceleration of scientific and technical progress and the increase in the amount of information poses challenges to scientists regarding the modification of scientific programs in accordance with modern realities. Ukrainian project companies constantly feel the need for professional personnel that is able to manage projects using modern knowledge, methods and approaches. This, in turn, can significantly strengthen the position of the project company on the market and create conditions for the deployment of a competitive advantage based on the reliability of terms and the quality of provided services. Information competence is an integral part of the list of competencies of a modern project manager and requires constant development, because new approaches, software and communication opportunities for communication with the expert environment are constantly appearing, and their mastery will allow the project manager to remain competitive and bring the project company considerable value. The scientific and pedagogical community faces the task of training high-quality project management specialists who will have enough knowledge to start working in a project company immediately after graduating from a higher education institution. For this, it is important not only to provide the future project manager with modern theoretical knowledge, but also to motivate him to develop informational competence for independent mastering of new project management information. The article provides general characteristics and features of the project environment, and giver examples of modern approaches to project management. It highlights the necessity of training project management specialists in institutions of higher education and the importance of forming informational competence among these specialists. Some features of the formation of information competence of future project managers by means of information and communication technologies in institutions of higher education are also considered

Last modified: 2024-05-01 18:37:25