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Personal growth as a factor of psychological well-being of food industry professionals

Journal: Bulletin of Postgraduate education: collection of scientific papers. Series "Social and Behavioral Sciences; Management and Administration" (psychological, economy, public administration). Category «B» (Vol.28, No. 57)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 44-64

Keywords : personal growth; psychological well-being; specialist; Food Industry; personality;

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The article highlights the phenomenon of personal growth as a factor of psychological well-being of food industry professionals. The work of scientists on the study of the essence of the concepts of "psychological well-being" and "personal growth" is analyzed. Personal growth is considered as an indicator characterized by the individual's desire for continuous development and improvement; his/her ability to positively accept himself/herself and the environment; effectiveness in solving daily tasks and through awareness of the purpose, vocation, life goals and the actual ability to achieve them; and is the result not so much of external influences as of internal abilities, personal qualities and potential. Professional growth is defined as a prolonged process of development of personal and professional potential, formation of motivation, values, self-concept of a person as a subject of professional activity aimed at professional self-realization. The problems of personality development against the background of various contexts of functioning of modern society are highlighted. The problem of psychological well-being, the importance of its comprehensive research in connection with the study of the problems of productive self-realization, personal growth and successful life is considered. The main approaches to the study of psychological well-being as a phenomenon that has a complex structure and reflects the emotional and evaluative experience of the personality of the success of their own existence are presented. The role of cognitive, affective and other components in the processes of positive personality functioning and ways of their assessment are highlighted. The psychological well-being is defined as an emotional criterion of success, a subjective assessment caused by "satisfaction - dissatisfaction" with life. The role of a complex of psychological qualities and properties is emphasized, which, on the one hand, act as determinants of well-being, and on the other hand, as its results. It is noted that in the structure of successful personal growth, psychological well-being is one of its main indicators and is expressed in indicators of a positive emotional attitude towards oneself and one's life; it is a generalized and relatively stable experience of one's own effectiveness in the processes of self-realization. Prospects for further research are outlined. The need for a deeper and more systematic analysis of personal growth as a factor in the psychological well-being of food industry professionals is emphasized

Last modified: 2024-05-01 19:42:00