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Exploring the Ayurvedic Perspectives on Medoroga (Hyperlipidemia) and Its Management: A Comprehensive Review

Journal: International Research Journal of Pharmacy and Medical Sciences (IRJPMS) (Vol.7, No. 3)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 24-26

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Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


Acharya Charaka's quote, "A physician should not be embarrassed if he is unable to name a disease, as each & every disease cannot be named," rings true in today's era marked by a plethora of emerging diseases. The intricate interplay of diverse lifestyles, genetic predispositions, and changing environmental factors, driven by rapid modernization, has ushered in a myriad of ailments classified as lifestyle disorders. Despite the absence of a precise term for hyperlipidemia in classical Ayurvedic texts, scholars have coined various terms such as Rasagata Sneha Vriddhi and Medoroga to describe similar conditions. Through a detailed examination, hyperlipidemia shares striking similarities with Asthayi Medo Dhatu Vriddhi in its pathophysiology. This excessive increase in Asthayi Medo Dhatu, compounded by Ama, contributes to its prolonged retention in the body, leading to further complications. From an Ayurvedic perspective, the involvement of Kapha, Vata, Meda, and Medhodhatwugni in the pathogenesis of hyperlipidemia, or Medoroga, underscores the holistic understanding of this condition. Ayurveda's insight into the underlying imbalances and its emphasis on addressing root causes align with the multifactorial nature of modern lifestyle disorders, emphasizing its relevance in contemporary healthcare paradigms.

Last modified: 2024-05-13 20:36:54