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Alternative Algorithms for Time Series Water Wave Modeling

Journal: International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (Vol.11, No. 05)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 01-11

Keywords : calculation algorithm; conservation of energy.;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


This research builds upon Hutahaean (2024a), focusing on time series water wave modeling, with substantial portions of this article derived from that prior study. Modifications were made to the calculation algorithm; specifically, vertical water particle velocity is now computed using the continuity equation, and water surface elevation is determined through kinematic free surface boundary conditions. While this revised algorithm enables the model to simulate wave breaking, it results in an excessively high breaker height and struggles to accurately simulate wave conditions post-breaking, particularly at large wave heights. To address these challenges, the kinetic energy conservation equation was integrated into the model. This addition facilitated the creation of a water surface elevation equation through the superposition of kinematic free surface boundary conditions and the kinetic energy conservation equation. This integration yields an equation that maintains a balance between changes in potential energy and changes in kinetic energy, enhancing the model's capability to simulate both the shoaling-breaking process and subsequent wave conditions in shallow waters more effectively.

Last modified: 2024-05-14 13:35:36