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The Initiative of “Farshaha Smart Village”: Context Evaluation

Journal: International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Science (Vol.8, No. 4)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ; ; ; ; ;

Page : 49-54

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Background: To implement an initiative of “Farshaha Smart Village”, it is of paramount importance to have the necessary information about the village, its inhabitants' characteristics, the strengths/weaknesses and opportunities/threats that face such a rural development project. Reference to that it was planned to conduct a context evaluation for Farshaha village, in Sheikan Locality, North Kordofan State, Sudan. The aims were to identify the socio-demographic characteristics of Farshaha village population and identify the village potential and development opportunities with full participation of its community. The ultimate goal was to use innovative solutions based on Information and communication technology (ICT) to improve village community resilience, building on local Strengths and opportunities, to have smart agriculture, economy, education, environment, infrastructure, technology, governance and society. Methods: This is an ex-post facto cross sectional study in Farshaha village. Four methods were used to collect the information, three for primary data: Observation, a predetermined questionnaire and Focus Group Discussions (FGDs).The secondary data was obtained from relevant published papers, relevant books, and authenticated web sites. The study sample was determined using Yamane formula for sample size calculation when population size is known. The sample size obtained accordingly was 222 households (HHs). A systematic random sampling technique was used to collect the data. Quantitative data was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences SPSS software (version 22), while qualitative data was analyzed using SOWT analysis .Results: More than half of the respondents were males, majority married (80%), and more than a third in the age group 15-45. More than two thirds were peasants and a third of them illiterate. The main field of work is agriculture, half of them owned land tenure, and the main crops are millet, sorghum, peanut and Gum Arabic. The majority with low income and more than two thirds possess animals mainly goats and hens. Regarding the home environment, majority of houses (92%) were built from local materials (mud and grass), water is available, no electricity but few HHs (13%) use solar energy. Half of the HHs lack latrines. Health care is deficient as well as education with most burden mainly on women, who suffer also from lack of energy and distant water source. Youth problems were mainly unemployment, high cost of wedding, farming and internal migration. Banking services were lacking, more than two thirds possess basic phones, but few possess smart phones. More than a third use “Sudani” as their communication Network Company and little use “Zain” company. The ecosystem was to some extent preserved. The village is administered and managed by Shaikh supported by public committee and the newly formed “Farshaha Smart Village” society. Conclusion: Farshaha village community depends mainly on agriculture with low income and the main crops are millet, sorghum and peanut, while some produce Gum Arabic. Water is available but there was no electricity and half of the HHs has no latrines. Both health care and education were deficient. Youth suffer from unemployment, internal migration and high cost of wedding and farming. There is no bank service and the communication network is weak. On the road to smart village a lot of work is needed, establishing a primary school for girls, building a health center, and helping people built latrines. Cross breeding to improve local goats to get better production of milk. Use of appropriate technology to improve farming and production. Use the newly built training center to introduce new income generating activities for youth and women. Support use of solar energy and improve the communication networks in the area.

Last modified: 2024-05-17 21:48:56