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Preparation of Pleurotus spawn on different grain substrates

Journal: International Journal of Biological Innovations (Vol.6, No. 1)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ;

Page : 39-43

Keywords : Bajra; Maize; Oyster mushroom; Resource utilization; Sorghum; Spawn; Wheat grain.;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


The cultivation of Pleurotus is gaining momentum due to its nutritional value and economic potential. The preparation of mushroom spawn on grain media involves inoculating them with pure cultures of certain mushroom species under sterile conditions, yet contamination of the spawn is a significant barrier to the growth and spread of mushroom farming in underdeveloped nations. In this study, the spawn growth of Pleurotus species on various grain substrates including maize, wheat, sorghum and bajra was explored. The results revealed significant differences in spawn growth duration among the substrates. Maize substrate exhibited the longest duration for spawn growth, requiring 19 days, while wheat, sorghum and bajra substrates displayed shorter duration of 15, 10 and 11 days respectively. Furthermore, each substrate demonstrated distinct characteristics influencing spawn growth, highlighting the importance of substrate selection in Pleurotus species cultivation. These finding provide valuable insights for optimizing spawn production process and enhancing the efficiency of Pleurotus species cultivation practices.

Last modified: 2024-05-19 02:24:55