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Decoding Gender Representation and Bias in Voice User Interfaces (VUIs)

Journal: International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing - IJCSMC (Vol.13, No. 5)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ; ; ; ; ;

Page : 76-88

Keywords : Voice User Interfaces (VUIs); Gender representation; Gender bias; Stereotypes;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


This article offers a thorough exploration of gender representation and bias within Voice User Interfaces (VUIs), delving into their intricate impact on technology design, user interaction, and broader societal dynamics. It scrutinizes the entrenched gender stereotypes inherent in VUI design, revealing the intricate interplay between technology, cultural norms, and gender expectations[1]. It highlights the ethical implications of such biases, emphasizing the need for diverse perspectives in the development of VUIs[2], [3]. the article advocates for a multifaceted approach to understanding and identifying bias in VUIs, incorporating methodologies such as data analysis, algorithmic auditing, and user testing[4]. Beyond individual interactions, it discusses how gender bias in VUIs can erode trust, diminish user satisfaction, and perpetuate systemic inequalities[1]. Proposing a shift towards gender-neutral design principles, it advocates for inclusivity and equity, championing personalized experiences and diverse representation. Looking ahead, the article outlines future directions in VUI technology aimed at advancing gender equality through enhanced natural language understanding, sentiment analysis, and collaborative design approaches[4]. By unraveling and addressing gender representation and bias in VUIs, this article lays a robust foundation for fostering a more inclusive and equitable landscape in voice technology.

Last modified: 2024-05-23 20:30:33