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Publication Date:

Authors : ; ;

Page : 841-850

Keywords : Fashion Fights Cancer; Aversion Therapy; Cancer Awareness; Creative Healing Art Therapy;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


To assist people in kicking cancer-causing habits, Fashion Fights Cancer presents a cutting-edge fashion collection that is modelled by aversion treatment methods. By combining psychology and fashion, this innovative method offers a special tool to encourage healthy lives and reduce the incidence of cancer. This collection offers an innovative and captivating approach to assist people in breaking bad habits by implementing the ideas of aversion therapy, which involves linking unpleasant stimuli with negative behaviours to prevent their recurrence. Every article of clothing in this collection is designed with attention to arouse feelings or visual signals that set up subconscious unpleasant reactions associated with particular actions that cause cancer. With thoughtfully chosen textures, colours, patterns, and design aspects, these pieces serve as concrete deterrents and reminders, encouraging wearers to reevaluate their decisions and make good transitions toward healthier ones. Fashion Fights Cancer allows people to address their habits in a novel and effective way by incorporating psychological concepts into fashion design. This compilation increases awareness of the link between lifestyle decisions and cancer risk while also promoting personal development. Fashion Fights Cancer promotes proactive health behaviours and emphasizes prevention in the fight against cancer by starting conversations and questioning social conventions through fashion. People are inspired to take control of their well-being and make wise decisions that prioritize long-term health and vitality thanks to this creative marriage of fashion and psychology. In this study, the clothes in the collection are designed to make people feel uncomfortable about habits that can cause cancer. They use colours, textures, and designs to remind people of these habits, encouraging them to think about making healthier choices instead. The goal is to use creativity to help people change their habits and improve their health. Combining fashion with psychology wants to help people understand how their lifestyle choices can affect their chances of getting cancer. They hope to inspire people to take better care of themselves and prevent cancer by starting conversations and encouraging healthy behaviours. This method also shows how using creative activities, like making clothes, can support people who are dealing with cancer.

Last modified: 2024-05-25 14:40:29