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Issues of organizing independent work of students in the process of teaching the subject History of Azerbaijan

Journal: Bulletin of Postgraduate education: collection of scientific papers. Series «Educational sciences» Category "B" (Vol.28, No. 57)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 136-148

Keywords : historical monuments; education; assimilation; worldview; teaching history; educational excursions; museum exhibitions; development; students; increased interest;

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As is known, education is a priority area in the life of the society and plays an important role in the development and formation of a person. It is necessary not only to acquire knowledge and skills, but also to ensure the development of the student and the person as a whole. The main subject of the educational process is the learner (pupil, student, etc.). In addition to acquiring and developing theoretical knowledge as a carrier of knowledge and skills, the Learner must acquire the necessary skills and habits, apply the acquired knowledge in practice and in life, thereby be ready for independent activity and choosing a profession, be competitive in the market economy, and be able to build his own life independently. From this point of view, the educational excursion is not limited to the students' visual imagination, but has an educational, cognitive and developmental nature. Educational excursion is one of the tried-and-tested forms of organization of training and plays an exceptionally important role in teaching history. Museum materials are used in history classes. Students benefit from those materials as a means of formation the learners` mental outlook. The worldview is an integral part of the educational and learning process. This is a complex and profound concept that impacts the approaches and views of students. Every person trying to understand the world inevitably plunges into the depths of philosophical reflection. People approach each problem, event, situation from the point of view of logical thinking and study them with a critical creative approach. This process, which is directly related to cognitive theory, encourages every student who does not fully understand the new reality to use new methods and means. The worldview is a common system of our common ideas about the world around us. It forms a general system of diversity that determines our behavior in everyday life. The main question of the worldview is a person's attitude to the world and the totality of irrefutable realities arising from it. According to experts of the modern world of knowledge, current life requires comprehensive information. In this sense, knowledge and skills must be provided in accordance with the modern requirements of that world. Thus, the transfer of knowledge should not be limited to the transfer of information, but should contribute to the improvement of skills that will be effectively applied. From this point of view, an educational excursion is not limited to burdening students with only visual images; in its course, it should include a description of an external object and disclosure of the essence of the event, its patterns. Theoretical material activates the assimilation of visual objects and helps to understand their essence. It also makes it possible to form the necessary historical ideas, master complex concepts and obtain generalized knowledge. The teacher should teach students to read and see monuments and exhibits.

Last modified: 2024-05-27 14:58:51