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Journal: International Education and Research Journal (Vol.10, No. 2)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 29-33

Keywords : NEP 2020; Job Satisfaction; College Teacher;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


The purpose of the study was to explore the job satisfaction of college teachers in the era of the New Education Policy. The education landscape is ever-evolving, and policy changes play a pivotal role in shaping the experiences of educators. The implementation of a new education policy marks a significant shift in the way academic institutions operate. As educational systems transform, such as the implementation of a new policy, it is imperative to investigate the effects on the individuals directly involved in its execution. In this context, college teachers play a pivotal role in shaping the educational landscape, and their job satisfaction is crucial for fostering a positive learning environment. This study aims to investigate the impact of the recently introduced education policy on job satisfaction among college teachers and to assess the specific ways in which the new education policy influences various aspects of job satisfaction among college teachers, including workload, professional development opportunities, teaching methodologies, and overall job contentment. Understanding the impact of the new education policy on job satisfaction is crucial for fostering a positive and conducive working environment for college teachers. The findings of this research are expected to contribute valuable insights to educational policymakers, administrators, and educators, facilitating informed decision-making to enhance the overall quality of education and the professional lives of college teachers. As educational institutions continue to adapt to the evolving landscape, this study provides a timely exploration of the intricate relationship between policy changes and the job satisfaction of those at the forefront of the teaching profession.

Last modified: 2024-06-05 17:05:12