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Journal: International Journal of Advanced Research (Vol.12, No. 05)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ;

Page : 588-595

Keywords : Chinese Infrastructural Developments Strategic Investment Indian Subcontinent the Belt and Road Initiatives Indias Neighbourhood and Indian Ocean Region;

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Chinas growing strategic investment in the Indian subcontinent was a concern to India. Infrastructural investment of China in Indias neighbours indicated Chinas aggressive policy and agenda with India. Beijings investment was not only strategically significant but also reshaped political arrangements in the Indian Subcontinent. Chinas Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) aimed to create a Sino-centric global trading network and the realm of influence. For, India the Chinese strategic and infrastructural developments in the Indian subcontinent were an interest and concern – particularly the huge infrastructural project of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) which projected Pakistan as a transit hub and route for central Asia. Beijings growing economic and political influence in Indias neighbourhood could not be fully understood without a solid base of information. Indian apprehension is based on the assumption that economic and political avenues as the BRI creates for China in the IOR can also be utilised to supplement its military capability by facilitating the extension of PLANs operational reach across the region. India should also carefully analyse Chinese development activities in the neighbourhood and IOR from the security perspective and discern the futuristic plans of China.

Last modified: 2024-06-06 19:14:48