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Journal: MATTER: International Journal of Science and Technology (Vol.9, No. 3)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 139-154

Keywords : Electric Vehicle; Chassis; Solidworks; Finite Element Analysis; Ti-6Al-4V;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


This study presents a comprehensive investigation into the design and structural analysis of lightweight chassis for electric vehicles. A chassis needs to be able to withstand twist, shock, vibration, and other stresses caused by acceleration, braking, road condition, and shock initiated by other parts of a vehicle. It should carry a maximum load under all operating conditions. Two materials, 304L steel, and Ti-6AL-4V alloy were evaluated, with parameters such as total deformation, equivalent stress, and equivalent elastic strain under consideration. The outcome of the Finite Element Analysis revealed that Ti-6AL-4V can withstand higher stresses than 304L Steel. By investigating the static behaviors of the chassis under static loading due to weight and overload conditions, Ti-6AL-4V was chosen as a suitable replacement for a 304L Steel chassis.

Last modified: 2024-06-27 18:33:30