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Journal: PUPIL: International Journal of Teaching, Education and Learning (Vol.8, No. 2)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 32-48

Keywords : Essential Skills; Lifelong Learning; Global Citizenship;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


The ever-changing landscape of the 21st century requires a shift in educational focus beyond traditional subject knowledge. This paper explores key considerations for designing effective curricula, emphasising the crucial role of basic skills and 21st-century competencies, fostering a lifelong learning mindset, and preparing students for an increasingly interconnected world. Building strong literacy, numeracy, and digital skills is the foundation for communicating effectively, thinking critically, and navigating the digital world. Developing key 21st-century skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, collaboration, and communication will enable students to tackle complex challenges, work effectively in teams, and express themselves clearly. Encouraging creativity, innovation, and adaptability enables students to think outside the box, embrace new ideas, and thrive in an unpredictable future. Fostering a growth mindset and self-directed learning skills empowers them for lifelong learning and continuous skill development. While subject-specific knowledge remains valuable, this paper emphasises the need for a holistic approach that integrates these essential skills and mindsets. In addition,recognizing the importance of social-emotional learning and global citizenship highlights the need to prepare well-rounded individuals for success in an interconnected world. This includes understanding diverse cultures, promoting responsible global citizenship, and encouraging sustainable practices. By incorporating these elements into curriculum design, we can equip students with the skills and attitudes necessary to navigate the complexities of the future, become responsible, engaged, and lifelong learners, and contribute meaningfully to a globalised society.

Last modified: 2024-06-28 17:49:32