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Features of the pottery assemblage of the XIII–XIV centuries from excavations of the Syukeyevsky Vzvoz II Campsite medieval sediments

Journal: Povolzhskaya Arkheologiya (The Volga River Region Archaeology) (Vol.2, No. 48)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ; ;

Page : 68-83

Keywords : archaeology; Golden Horde; Syukeyevsky Vzvoz; Bolgar; Russia; blacksmithing; ceramics; pottery; molding paste;

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The article deals with the ceramic material from the excavations of 2021 on the territory of the multilayer archaeological site Syukeyevsky Vzvoz II. Judging by the totality of the finds (metal slag and pig iron, blanks and semi-finished iron products, blacksmithing tools), a blacksmithing workshop could have been located here in the Golden Horde period. Russian pottery make up the majority of the assemblage, which suggests that there is a settlement of immigrants from Russian lands here. By the nature of the finds, this location can be interpreted as the artisan periphery of a small urban-type settlement associated with iron processing.

Last modified: 2024-06-28 20:14:23