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Adverbial Word Formation in Russian and Tatar Languages: Ethnolinguistic Aspect

Journal: Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices (Vol.21, No. 3)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 396-407

Keywords : ethnolinguistics; adverb; word formation; semantics; interlanguage lacunarity; internal word form;

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The article examines the derived adverbs of the Russian and Tatar languages, namely the specifics of their structure, semantics and ways of expressing communicative and pragmatic meanings. The purpose of the work is to identify and describe the ethnocultural component in the derivational-semantic space of adverbial words of typologically distant languages. The innovation of the work consists in the fact that for the first time an attempt was made to describe adverbial derivatives in an ethnolinguistic aspect, which allows interpreting the morphosemantic structure of a word as a linguistic and cultural phenomenon, namely, to characterize universal and differential features that form the linguistic picture of the world of each ethnic group. The study states that the word-formation structure of derived adverbs can demonstrate the semantic organization of the word and the corresponding concept, namely, it indicates due to which properties and signs any action or state is determined in the speaker’s mind. A comparative analysis of adverbial derivation in the Russian and Tatar languages allowed us to establish not only similarities and differences in the use of motivational features within the same denotative space, but also to identify the most significant, preferred mental and cultural meanings for this linguistic collective. Special attention is paid to the facts of interlanguage word-formation lacunarity and the specifics of the internal form of derived adverbs, which makes it possible to reveal cognitive mechanisms in the linguistic modeling of the surrounding reality.

Last modified: 2024-10-10 08:04:31