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Journal: International Journal of Advanced Research (Vol.12, No. 09)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ;

Page : 601-609

Keywords : HELLP:Hemolysis Elevated Liver enzyme levels and Low Platelet levels DIC: Disseminated intravascular coagulation ARDS: Adultrespiratory distress syndrome PPH:Postpartum Hemorrhage PRES:Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome;

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Background&MaterialsandMethods:Pre-eclampsiaisapregnancy-induced hypertensive disorder seen after 20 weeks of gestation with multi-systeminvolvement.Inhealthynulliparouswomen,theprevalenceofpreeclampsia ranges between 2% and 7%. It is a major cause of maternal morbidity and mortality in healthy nulliparous women.Itis amultisystemdisorderthatleadstocertaincomplicationslikeplacentalabruption,HELLPsyndrome,eclampsia,DIC,pulmonaryedema,adultrespiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), and acute renal failure leading to highmaternal morbidity and mortality. The aim of the study is to evaluate the maternaloutcomein severe preeclampsia. Cases with severe preeclampsia (B.P readingof 160/110mmHgwith1+ormorealbuminuria)after 28weeksof gestational age were included in the study and followed upto 6weeks postpartum.Atotal number of 100 cases were included in the study. Study variables were modeofdelivery,maternalmorbidity-mortality. Result: This study analyzed 100 patients with severe preeclampsia.Out of the 100 patients in the present study, maximum (43.0%) cases were inthe agegroupof 21to 25years,most (62.0%) of them were primigravida,and most of the cases were < 34 weeks of pregnancy. Inourstudy,themostcommonmodeofdelivery(61.0%) was cesarean delivery. (39.0%) of patients delivered vaginally. Outof all normal deliveries, (29.0%) of patients delivered spontaneously, around(9.0%) of all deliveries are preceded by labor induction, and (1.0%) ofpatients needed vacuum delivery during the secondstage of labor. The most common maternal complication in the present studywas abruption (10.0%), followed by oligohydramnios (9.0%) and PPH(6.0%),HELLP(6.0%),eclampsia (4.0%), posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome (PRES-3.0%), PPCM (2.0%), multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (2.0%), pulmonaryedema(1.0%) andDIC (1.0%). In ourstudyabruptio placenta was the most common one. Conclusion:Preeclampsia continues to be a significant cause of maternal morbidity and mortality. Regular antenatal check-ups are very important to emphasizeearlywarningsymptoms&signssothatlife-threateningcomplications can beprevented.Provision ofqualitymaternalhealth careservices,increasingpatientawarenessaboutvariouswarningsymptoms, investigations, timely referral of patients to higher centers, the timely use ofantihypertensivedrugs,timelydelivery&intensivemonitoringintheintrapartum &postpartum period can result in improvement in maternaloutcome.

Last modified: 2024-10-18 16:04:00