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Sociology of education in Russia: trends and risks of the last decade

Journal: RUDN Journal of Sociology (Vol.24, No. 3)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ; ;

Page : 777-794

Keywords : Russian sociology of education; institutionalization of the scientific branch; achievements; challenges; tasks of development; organization of science;

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The article presents an overview of the development of the Russian sociology of education over the decade since the previous review (2013). The article maintains conceptual continuity with previous reviews in understanding the subject field, theoretical constructs and tasks of sociology of education, is based on the analysis of different sources and describes the state, a qualitatively new situation, the most significant achievements and key tasks of this scientific branch. Sociology of education in Russia remains at the initial stage of institutionalization due to being developed mainly by enthusiasts from different regions and still lacking mechanisms for self-organization and coordination; moreover, its position in university programs, publications and educational policy has worsened. These negative trends are determined by the unstable systemic position and bureaucratic management of research, publications and education; therefore, such negative trends can be overcome under the current turn towards the priority of national interests. The new situation in the Russian sociology of education is expressed in the development of its methodology and basic concepts, and in publication of educational and methodological works which form the basis of professional training and scientific activity. The authors see the key achievements of sociology of education in its theoretical integration and turn to assessing the social efficiency of education, preventing systemic bureaupathologies and introducing scientifically based approaches to the development of education. Urgent risks for the Russian sociology of education are determined by the initial stage of its institutionalization and systemic weaknesses (lack of proper coordination of research on the national scale, disorganization of the scientific community, underestimation of theoretical integration under the increasing thematic differentiation and hyper-passion for empirical research beyond basic concepts, a certain arbitrariness in the editorial policy of some scientific journals). The article concludes with current tasks for the theory and organization of the Russian sociology of education.

Last modified: 2024-10-18 23:08:35