The construction of the Tauriz wheel road in the Russian-Persian transborder region by the Russian Treasury during the early ХХ century
Journal: RUDN Journal of World History (Vol.16, No. 4)Publication Date: 2024-12-29
Authors : Gadilya Kornoukhova;
Page : 474-489
Keywords : Russian-Persian relations; Russian-Iranian relations; economic history; history of Russian entrepreneurship; Tauriz Road Society;
The history of the construction of an important transport artery of the Russian-Persian transborder region - the Tauriz wheel road - is considered within this study. As known, the initially end points of the Julfa - Tabriz route had been planned to be connected by a railway. However, at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries, the Russian government alternatively decided to begin construction first of a wheel road first between the designated sites. The author discusses the history of the construction of the Tabriz wheel road, its quality characteristics, and operational capabilities. The goal is to find out how effective the construction of the Tauriz road was as a temporary measure to increase Russian-Persian trade. The author comes to the conclusion, that, despite the many shortcomings and problems that accompanied the wheel road, both during its construction and operation, the Russian government successfully coped with the task: the constructed wheeled road fulfilled its role as a temporary measure that contributed to the intensification of trade turnover between Russia and Persia.
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Last modified: 2024-12-29 17:48:57