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Political-legal foundations of interaction between Russia and Mongolia as states-civilizations

Journal: RUDN Journal of Sociology (Vol.24, No. 4)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ; ;

Page : 1133-1147

Keywords : civilizational political science; states-civilizations; intercivilizational interaction; Russian Mongolian relations and international treaties; Mongolian civilization; Russian civilization;

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Under the formation of a polycentric world order, the analysis of the existing social-cultural and political-legal foundations for the development of inter-civilizational dialogue becomes especially relevant. For Russia, the priority task is to fi new grounds in the turn to the East to intensify relations with the countries of the Global South and border states. The authors use the tools of civilizational political science to consider the political-legal foundations of interaction between Russia and Mongolia as states-civilizations - the contractual basis and political discourse that determine the key directions of development of relations between Russia and Mongolia under Russia’s turn to the East. The authors assess the representation of the civilizational factor in the historical and currently valid political-legal documents; propose ways for its strengthening through the consolidation of those provisions that aff the civilizational dimension of bilateral relations in the interests of specifying and intensifying Russian Mongolian cooperation. Based on the materials of the exposition in the National Museum of Chinggis Khaan (Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar), the article provides a brief description of the stages of development of the Mongolian civilization and its historical-cultural heritage as a platform for intercivilizational and interstate cooperation in the form of bilateral relations between Russia and Mongolia, the RussiaMongolia-China triangle and more global forms of interaction with the participation of the statescivilizations of Eurasia and BRICS. As a result of the conducted research, the authors show, on the one hand, the insuffi and fragmentation of the regulation of Russian-Mongolian relations at the level of bilateral agreements; on the other hand, signifi provisions of a “civilizational” nature in the fundamental foreign policy documents of both countries. Together with the need to formalize inter-civilizational cooperation at the international level and the historical role of the Mongolian and Russian civilizations in Eurasia, this allows to identify some prospects for developing such provisions and introducing new ones in the international regulatory frameworks by both Russia and Mongolia in order to ensure a solid value-ideological, social-cultural and political-legal foundation for a polycentric world.

Last modified: 2024-12-31 00:15:33