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Неофіційні антропоніми в Галицько-Волинському літописі: Тюима, Белжѧнинъ, Рѧбьць, Ѡловѧньць, Медоушникъ

Journal: Movoznavstvo (Vol.2024, No. 5)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 44-65

Keywords : Galician-Volhynian Chronicle; unofficial anthroponym; Тюима; Василко Белжѧнинъ; Рѧбьць; Ѡловѧньць; Медоушникъ;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


The article clarifies the functional and pragmatic features, motivational basis, reference connections, denotative and connotative components of the semantic content of individual unformal anthroponyms Тюима, Белжѧнинъ, Рѧбьць, Ѡловѧньць, Медоушникъ, found in the Ipatiev Chronicle according to the list of 1425. For comparison, the Khlebnikovsky list of the Ipatiev Chronicle of middle of the XVI century and the translations of the Galician-Volhynian Chronicle made by Teofil Kostruba and L. E. Makhnovets. The mentioned anthroponyms are attested only in the Volyn part of the Galician-Volhynian Chronicle, in the articles of *1260–1280, dedicated to the activities of the Prince Mstislav Danylovych of Lutsk and Volodymyr, Prince Lev of Galicia, Princes Volodymyr Vasylkovych and Vasylko Romanovych of Volhynia. Based on the analysis of the content of chronicle articles, the chronology of historical events, the approximate age and features of the psychological portrait of individuals were reconstructed. The unformal name Тюима belongs to the voivode, formed from oikonym, and is a frozen form of the genitive case of the name of a Polish city in Lenchytsk Land. Significance of the name Тюима contains denotative components that clarify the social status and military experience of its owner. During the reconstruction of the semantics of the anthroponym Тюима, the circumstances of the *1277 campaign of Mstislav Danylovych, Volodymyr Vasylkovych, Yuriy Lvovych to Lithuania were clarified. Василко Белжѧнинъ and Рѧбьць are voivodes of Lev Danylovych. It has been proven that the word белжанинъ used in the annals next to the name Василко is an unofficial anthroponym formed on the basis of the corresponding ethnonym. The name Рѧбьць arose as a result of the reinterpretation of the meaning of ‛kite bird' of the Old Russian рѧбьць. In historical dictionaries the meaning of ‛kite bird' of the Old Russian рѧбьць is not taken into account. The unofficial anthroponym Ѡловѧньць belongs to a representative of the Volyn boyar elite of the second half of the 13th century, the adviser of Volodymyr Vasylkovych, is an appellative name that distinguishes the bearer of the name by type of occupation. The identification of Ѡловѧньць with a person named Borko is groundless. In the name of Степанъ Медоушникъ the first component indicates the person's boyar origin, the second component is an unofficial appellative name. It has been established that Степанъ Медоушникъ is a representative of the Volyn boyar elite of the second half of the 13th century, as an adviser of Vasylko Romanovych. Boyars Ѡловѧньць and Степанъ Медоушникъ took part in military campaigns as members of the prince's senior squad. In my opinion the selection of predominantly unofficial names of voivodes and boyars for the chronicle is caused primarily by the requirements of literary etiquette. At the same time, the unformal names Рѧбьць, Ѡловѧньць, Медоушникъ performed the function of a kind of honorary titles that distinguished their owners among the numerous voivodes and boyars. Combination of historical and linguistic analysis with historical and cultural analysis is an important and sometimes necessary condition for the objective decryption of the denotative ethno-cultural components, which are included in the semantic content of individual unofficial anthroponyms of the 11th-13th centuries.

Last modified: 2025-01-03 22:57:05