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Factors Influencing Level of Job Satisfaction Among Employees in Private Secondary Educational Institutions

Journal: International Journal of Advanced engineering, Management and Science (Vol.11, No. 1)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 11-19

Keywords : Factor; influence; job satisfaction; pay structure; private schools;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


This study described the factors influencing the level of job satisfaction among employees in private secondary educational institutions. An adopted questionnaire was used to gather data from 100 purposively chosen respondents. The influencing factors that were considered were pay structure, working hours, training needs, reward and promotion system. The study revealed that: the employees demonstrate a moderate satisfaction level with their pay structure. They are highly satisfied with their work hours and with the training provided by their educational institutions. Additionally, they exhibit moderate satisfaction in terms of their reward and promotion system. The findings highlight the importance of addressing job satisfaction factors in private secondary educational institutions, as they indicate that while employees are generally satisfied with their working hours and training, there remains a need for improvement in pay structure and the reward and promotion system.

Last modified: 2025-01-27 13:13:51