Linguistic profiling of educational and artistic texts
Journal: Russian Language Studies (Vol.22, No. 4)Publication Date: 2025-02-22
Authors : Konstantin Voronin; Farida Ismaeva; Andrew Danilov;
Page : 555-578
Keywords : Russian as a foreign language; biography; adventure story; research corpus; text complexity; genre; text cohesion;
Implemented within text analytics as one of the strategic directions of modern Russian linguistics, the research focuses on the linguistic profiling of educational and artistic texts. The identified genre features contribute to software systems development and big language data processing. The study is aimed at revealing the ranges of linguistic parameters which differentiate educational (secondary) and artistic (primary) texts. The study was based on 72 biographies from textbooks on Russian as a foreign language and 90 excerpts from adventure stories. The genres were chosen for the contrastive study for the following reasons: (1) a high degree of narrativity and actions; (2) functional differences, namely, informative function of biography and entertaining function of adventure stories. The research corpus comprised 120932 words. Two data processing tools were used in the study: (1) the linguistic parameters were calculated using RuLingva platform, (2) STATISTIKA program was used to identify statistically significant differences between the two genres. The revealed genre-specific parameters include global and local overlaps of nouns and arguments, nouns in prepositional and genitive cases, past and present verb forms. Global and local overlaps of nouns and arguments were found to contribute to high cohesion of biographies, because the nomination of each next event in the person's life in connected with the previous one. The genitive case prevails in biographies due to the use of nominative word combinations. The research perspective is seen in the typology of genres based on linguistic profiling of official and personal biographies, on the one hand, and adventure novels, on the other hand. An important aspect of further research in the studied area is the installation of meaning matrices in the RuLingva text profiler to automate text linguistic profiling.
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Last modified: 2025-02-22 07:43:18