Corrosion in reinforced concrete structures: prevention and recovery methods
Journal: Journal Boliviano de Ciencias (Vol.14, No. 42)Publication Date: 2018-04-30
Authors : Dione Luiza da Silva Juliana Maria McCartney da Fonseca Adegilson José Bento Joaquin Humberto Aquino Rocha Eliana Cristina Barreto Monteiro;
Page : 6-14
Keywords : Engineering; Architecture;
One of the main problems that compromise the useful life of reinforced concrete structures is corrosion, which occurs, above ali, due to the interaction of concrete with externa! agents, as well as other factors: high water/cement ratio, inadequate reinforcement coatings and short concrete curing times. The corrosion of steel is considered one of the main problems in civil construction, since its occurrence can lead to the structure to rupture. Sorne companies in the construction industry already have on the market sorne products capable of offering protection to this problem, corrosion inhibitors. This article aims to deepen the knowledge on the corrosion of reinforcements to help minimize this pathological manifestation in reinforced concrete structures. The methodology adopted in the article has a bibliographic review on reinforcement corrosion, commenting on the mechanisms and the factors that influence it, indicating the methods of prevention and control. Additionally, the study of sorne cases of occurrence of this pathological manifestation in the Metropolitan Region of Recite is included. lt is expected that this article contributes to a broader knowledge of the subject to offer greater safety and durability to reinforced concrete structures in civil engineering works.
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Last modified: 2025-02-25 23:41:24