Structural design of a road distributor at the Nudo Vita intersection
Journal: Journal Boliviano de Ciencias (Vol.13, No. 41)Publication Date: 2017-12-30
Authors : David Gonzalo Perez Ramos Marcelo Tomás Pardo Ayllón;
Page : 63-69
Keywords : Engineering; Architecture;
The actual article is a resume of an Project started on August of 2016 and concluded on November of 2017. The investigation consists of a structural design of a distributor road at the Nudo Vita intersection, since it has critica[ traffic issues on certain hours because of a bad urban planification and a low roadway of most drivers and pedestrians. This causes time and economical loses, health and stress problems, pollution, and affects the city's economical progress. Road distributors in cities with already stablished avenues and streets is one of the most factible solutions for vehicular traffic problems.
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Last modified: 2025-02-26 00:14:32