Development of bread fortified with ground chia seeds intended for school breakfast in the baking industry INPASA in Cochabamba
Journal: Journal Boliviano de Ciencias (Vol.13, No. 39)Publication Date: 2017-04-30
Authors : Sisa Alexandra Ortuño Medrana;
Page : 34-43
Keywords : Engineering; Architecture;
This project aims the application of ground chia seeds into bread, oriented to school breakfast, and identify the appropriate concen tration in terms of adequate nutritional qualities and organoleptic characteristics. For this, the breads were pre pared at differen con centrations, which were subjected to a sensory analysis where the judges were children in school age being. The results were the basis for the analysis of the effect of variables through experimental design, so it carne toan accepted concentration, which was subjected to the analysis of fatty a cid profile and physico-chemical parameters at the Center of Foods and Natural Products, order to determine the nutritional value of the product.
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Last modified: 2025-02-26 05:47:35