Methods and technologies for increasing the energy efficiency of portable medical devices
Journal: Science and Education (Vol.6, No. 2)Publication Date: 2025-02-25
Authors : Lola Xasanovna Karabayeva; Ibroximjon Nigmatilla o‘g‘li Abdullayev; Farxod Quvondiqovich Shakarov;
Page : 170-175
Keywords : portable medical devices; energy efficiency; microcontroller; artificial intelligence; energy saving;
The role of portable medical devices in modern medicine is increasingly increasing. One of their main problems is the limited energy supply and low energy efficiency. The study studied methods and technologies for increasing the energy efficiency of portable medical devices. 120 portable medical devices used in medical institutions of Uzbekistan were analyzed. A special microcontroller system and artificial intelligence algorithms were developed to reduce energy consumption. As a result, the energy consumption of the devices decreased by an average of 35%, and the service life increased by 1.8 times. The introduction of the created technologies into clinical practice made it possible to significantly increase the efficiency of portable medical devices.
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Last modified: 2025-02-27 00:24:37