Reflections and Comments on the Process of Tracking the Behavior of Constructions Over Time
Journal: RevCAD Journal of Geodesy and Cadastre (Vol.-, No. 36)Publication Date: 2024-06-30
Authors : C. Onu C. Pîrvan;
Page : 67-72
Keywords : deformation monitoring; in situ behavior of constructions; legislation; responsibility assumption;
It is well known that the activity of monitoring the in situ behavior of buildings and land in our country is regulated by Law no. 10/1995 regarding quality in constructions, with subsequent amendments and additions, as well as by a series of STASs and Normatives, among which we mention Normative P 130-1999 regarding the behaviour of constructions over time, which was submitted for public consultation at the end of 2023, in order to amend, complete, improve and update it, and which will enter into force after publication in the Official Gazette. Thus, having the technical and legislative support, the specialists who participate in such geodetic engineering works, of great complexity, precision and responsibility, have the obligation to respect them. Therefore, the beneficiaries/owners of the constructions are the ones who have the legal obligation to initiate the process of monitoring the deformations in order to ensure and verify the suitability for use, the specialists in the field to perform these works, and those responsible, according to the law, to verify all these aspects.
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Last modified: 2025-03-07 00:42:53