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Analysis of Schopenhauer’s Will to Live in the works of authors in the canon of English Literature who committed suicide

Journal: International Journal of English, Literature and Social Science (Vol.10, No. 2)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 029-032

Keywords : Existence; Pessimism; Schopenhauer; Existential; Modernism; Postmodernism; Irrational.;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


The works of Literature other than giving an expression to the thoughts of the author are implicit with the deeper connotative meanings that at first aren't as apparent as the meanings initially inferred by the reader but after a careful consideration of the respective work, the seemingly shrouded revelations camouflaged within the language that can adequately describe the inner wrestlings of the author's mind are transpired before the audience. The writers of Literature who couldn't harmonize their inner tumults, couldn't help but reveal them in their works either. This investigation intends to scrutinize their principal vexations that forced them into a rejection of the force that underpins all of the existence through the philosophical ideas of Arthur Schopenhauer thus broadening the scope for a more thorough enquiry of the human nature and its association with the contemporary literature.

Last modified: 2025-03-12 12:51:10