Assessment of Manasika Prakruti (Psychological constitution) in middle adolescents through a developed tool– a study protocol
Journal: JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN TRADITIONAL MEDICINE (Vol.10, No. 1)Publication Date: 2024-07-01
Authors : Guru Rajashekara; Jyothy Bhaskaran;
Page : 24-28
Keywords : Manasika Prakruti; Kashyapasamhita; Adolescent children; Psychological Constitution; Neurobehavioral disorders;
Background: Psychological Constitution which is a unique concept of Ayurveda, shows its relation to one's psychological and behavioural characters forming the psychological constitution of an individual. It is termed as ‘Manasika Prakruti' (MP) and its assessment is believed to be essential to adopt individualistic diet and regimen and also to plan suitable therapeutics. In the current era of increasing behavioural disorders in children, assessing MP will be of much use in even clinical practice. As there is no readymade tool for the assessment of MP it is difficult to assess psychological constitution of a child clinically and plan treatment. Objectives: the study is aimed to prepare a Manasika Prakruti Assessment Tool (MPAT) following the guidelines of the psychological characters mentioned in Kashyapasamhita, a classical literature of Ayurveda and to validate the prepared tool by content and face validation. Another objective is to clinically assess the MP in healthy middle adolescent children by using the MPAT. Material and methods: This study is planned as a literary and survey study where a detail literature review and critical analysis of the classical textbooks of Ayurveda, mainly Kashyapasamhita and authentic books of Sanskrit language, will be done. Incorporating the data, a specialised questionnaire will be prepared. Middle adolescent children from schools in and around Mysore, after taking informed consent will be interviewed personally and the collected data will be analysed to decide their MP by using descriptive statistics. Results: Results of the present study will be used to decide the individual MP of the enrolled children and will be shared with them for future usage. This study would be first of its kind in research in Ayurveda to assess psychological constitution
of middle adolescent children using the classical Ayurveda literature which will be validated to be used as a clinical tool. Conclusion: In general, analysis of MP is not used as a parameter for the clinical usage even in adults. Assessment of MP in children is a unique concept of Ayurveda which may pave the way in management of Neurobehavioral disorders for personalised approach in the treatment strategies. This will also be a useful guide for parents to understand the psychological set up of children and to improve interpersonal relationships in the family.
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Last modified: 2025-03-14 15:59:57