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The impact and psychological consequences of post covid on healthcare professionals

Journal: International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (Vol.12, No. 03)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 16-23

Keywords : Pandemic; Anxiety; Depression; Disorders;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


The COVID-19 pandemic has thrown the entire world into economic and mental turmoil, changed our lifestyles and changed the way we interact in care in what is a very challenging and rapidly evolving circumstance. The methodology: this is a bibliographical research of a documentary, descriptive and qualitative nature, the information was obtained from the analysis of scientific data published on online platforms. Results and Discussion: Healthcare professionals face additional pandemic stressors. They are known to include an increased risk of infection, of becoming ill or dying, of inadvertently transmitting the disease to others, and overwhelming and serious cases of illness. These professionals will also likely face a large number of deaths at the same time, will be frustrated with themselves for not being able to save many lives, and will be subjected to threats and attacks by people seeking dependent care when resources are limited. Conclusion: Anxiety and depression are the most common mental disorders among healthcare professionals, especially among those working on the front lines against COVID-19. Improvement strategies must be implemented that focus not only on the physical health of employees, but especially on mental health, as it is often overlooked and dismissed in its importance.

Last modified: 2025-03-17 14:09:59