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Design of Optical Star Coupler for 3D OCDMA system

Journal: Journal of Modern Internet of Things (MIOT) (Vol.2, No. 1)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ;

Page : 8-12

Keywords : OCDMA; Star Topology; Ring Topology; Bus Topology; Tree Topology; Mathematical Model A and Model B; Algebraic Congruent Operators; Optical multiplexer; Optical de Multiplexer.;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


3D OCDMA coding schemes have been proposed recently supporting more subscribers than conventional 2D & 1D techniques. This is achieved by employing or taking the relaxation with the third degree of freedom i.e. employing temporal, spectral and spatial domains. The objective of this work is to design a star coupler for 3 Dimensional encoding based on Mathematical Models A and B as proposed earlier by the authors. Optical star coupler uses multiplexer and demultiplexers for OCDMA system. The modeling work is carried out using Rsoft’s optsim simulator. Though star coupler is an important component that will be used in huge optical communication systems supporting many simultaneous users for data transfer Star coupler thus designed will be used in 3D OCDMA System to evaluate the performance of the 3D system.

Last modified: 2013-06-29 23:32:52